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Apr 19, 2020
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What is Psychographics?

Written By Pravin Kamble

we can define Physographics as :
“Analysis of consumer lifestyles to create a detailed customer profile. Market researchers conduct psychographic research by asking consumers to agree or disagree with activities, interests and opinion statements. “

Or in simpler way it can be define as “people’s qualitative characteristics “

Let’s say an eco-friendly clothing company is looking to create a basic customer persona to encapsulate their collective audience as a whole.

Their demographic information might look like this:

  • 18 – 34
  • Single
  • United States
  • Annual income is less than $40,000

And their psychographic information might look like this:

  • Concerned with preserving natural resources
  • Seeks clothing that’s sourced from sustainable materials
  • Is willing to spend a bit more on clothing that minimizes environmental impact
  • Enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and backpacking
  • Favorite social networks are Instagram and Pinterest

Psychographics deals with attitudes, interests, personality, values, opinions and lifestyle. Psychographics, for this reason, are incredibly valuable for marketing, but they also have use cases in opinion research, prediction, and social research in a broad sense.

However, is not just a bunch of flowery questionnaire responses. The goal is to accumulate reliable, quantifiable data. Wells, for example, talks about using “cross-tabulation and multiple regression” to unearth information and execute psychographic segmentation

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