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Aug 8, 2020

How to Use Psychographics in Marketing

Written By Pravin Kamble

What are Psychographics?

The Psychographic might be the attitudes, interests, personality, hobbies, values, opinions, and lifestyle of your target market. Psychographics are especially valuable for the current marketing strategy.

Psychographics deal mainly deal with Interests, Activities, and Opinions (AKA IAO variables) of your target market.

Current common marketing strategies heavily rely on user activity and they can answer questions like – Who?, What?, When?, and How?. Extending to these questions, Psychographics able to answer the most critical and important question – Why?
This leads to Psychographics o become a game-changer, and this can give your marketing strategy an edge.

Why psychographics are important

If you know how your target audience chooses and compare the products in your collections then you have a precise idea of how to structure and prioritize collections.

I listed down a few of many key impacts of psychographic:

  • If you know users deepest held beliefs/ feelings, you can strategies your marketing messaging more closely
  • If you know what users don’t like about, you can stop those messages and pull them from your marketing platforms
  • If you know what target audience reads, you know where and how to reach them

5 examples of psychographic characteristics

1. Personalities: Personality explains the compilation of attributes that your target consistently displays over time.

2. Lifestyles: Lifestyle is the compilation of the target audience’s day-to-day activities: their associations, where they live, where they spend their time, hobbies, etc.

3. Interests: Interests comprise hobbies, pastimes, media/data consumption habits, and what occupies user’s time.

4. Opinions:Opinions, attitudes, and beliefs are definite Psychographic categories, but I’ve organized them together because they tend to be strongly correlated.
Opinions and attitudes are an inaugural opportunity for the brands. Instead of reciprocated exposure via display ads, paid campaigns, introducing values to your brand can help people know where to stand in relation to your company.

5. Values:The target audience’s values give ideas about their sense of right and wrong.

How to find psychographic data for marketing

I have listed down the most prominent platforms to do psychographic marketing research:

  • Google Analytics
  • Social Media
  • Market Research Firms
  • Website Data
  • Customer Surveys, Interviews, Focus Groups

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Digital Marketing

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